
Full terms and conditions must be agreed upon booking.

  • All dogs must have a current vaccination certificate including vaccination against kennel cough. (routine vaccinations (DHP & Leptospirosis)
  • Vaccinations must be in date before and during there stay at Premier kennels.
  • If the vaccinations are out of date or they aren’t covered for kennel cough we won’t be able to keep them in our care. If your dog has to re-start there vaccination program we can only accept them into our care FOUR Weeks after the new vaccinations have been given. If your dog has restarted the kennel cough vaccine they can only be accepted TWO Weeks after receiving the vaccine.
  • If your dog is receiving a booster then we can still keep them in our care. 
  • Vaccination certificates must be presented upon arrival. Anyone arriving without their dog’s vaccination certificate will be asked to get proof of vaccinations from the vet before they go.
  • It is recommended that all dogs should be wormed and deflea-ed at least one week prior to boarding commencing.
  • Drop off time from1600 – 1700. Pick up time is from 1000 – 1100.
  • If your dog appears to be unwell upon arrival management reserves the right to refuse admission. The health and wellbeing of any dog is paramount to Premier Kennels whilst in our care.
  • All dogs must arrive with a collar and lead which will be left with Premier Kennels for the duration of the dog’s stay.
  • In the unlikely event of your dog being involved in an accident, or in an emergency, Premier Kennels will take your dog to the nearest veterinary surgery. We will do our utmost to contact you by phone, text or email. It is not Premier Kennels responsibility to cover any vet bills.
  • Premier Kennels will not accept responsibility for the death, injury or illness of any dog. You are strongly advised to insure your pet for all eventualities.
  • Premier Kennels reserves the right to refuse admission or terminate the contract if any dog or owner displays aggressive, destructive or unreasonable behaviour. We have a zero-tolerance policy to all forms of physical and/or verbal abuse.
  • If your dog has a medical condition, of any kind, we must be notified of this at time of booking.
  • Minimum age – Premier Kennels accepts fully vaccinated puppies from 12 weeks of age.
  • All outstanding fees must be paid in full before collection. We accept cash, credit and debit cards or bank transfers.
  • Premier Kennels cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage incurred to vehicles or property, howsoever caused, whilst on the premises.
  • Any damage caused by a dog to any area will be chargeable to the animal owner.


  • One dog £20 per night. Two dogs sharing same kennel £36 per night. Three dogs sharing same kennel £48 per night.
  • The nightly rate is charged from the date of entry up to the date of departure.
  • A late fee of £20.00 will be added if any dogs are collected after 11:00 or dropped off after 17:00
  • Should the stay be extended by the owner for any reason extra nights will be charged at the daily rate.
  • If the stay is curtailed, for any reason, the full price for the duration of the stay will remain payable. Premier Kennels may offer a refund, at their discretion, if it is possible to re-allocate the accommodation.
  • Any cancellations or changes must be made in writing at least seven days prior to the arrival date, and must be confirmed by Premier Kennels. No shows will be liable for full payment of the duration booked.
  • All outstanding fees must be paid in full on, or before, the time of collection.
  • Extra walks out with the kennels are £8.00 per walk for 20-30minutes exercise. (this can be discussed on arrival) We will do our best to get all the walks you want done but this can be weather dependant.


  • We strongly recommend that your dog be kept on their normal diet whilst in our care.

. Please be sure to bring enough food and medication to cover the duration of your dog’s stay.  If the quantity of food provided is not sufficient Premier Kennels will purchase the same brand (if available) and you will be billed accordingly.

  • Premier Kennels are not held liable for any conditions resulting from a change of diet if you do not provide your pet with their normal food.


  • We can supply blankets, raised beds or round beds for dogs during their stay with us at Premier Kennels.
  • You can provide your own bed/bedding providing it is in a good and clean condition. Premier Kennels reserves the right to refuse bedding if not in clean condition.
  • Premier Kennels accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to any supplied bedding, leads, collars, bowls or toys.


  • You agree to provide full, honest and detailed information about your dog in the booking form provided. By booking your dog into Premier Kennels you agree to accept our terms and conditions. If you continue to use the services of Premier Kennels you agree to keep us informed of any changes to your dog – a new booking form is required for each booked visit. Failure to disclose any matter, whether material fact or not, which in our view might render your dog unsuitable for boarding, will amount to a breach of our conditions and termination of your dog’s stay without refund.
  • We are happy to accept bookings for un-spayed bitches/un-neutered dogs, however if you believe your dog is due in season during her board you must inform us. Please be aware we will make every effort to protect your un-spayed bitch from unwanted male attention, but we cannot be held responsible for any accidents that may result in unwanted pregnancy.
  • By booking your dog into Premier Kennels you confirm that your dog has not been ill with any contagious disease or condition within the past 30 days, and that your dog has received all the necessary vaccinations.
  • You agree to deliver your dog in a clean, groomed condition. Any dogs requiring regular grooming should arrive with the appropriate grooming equipment.
  • You agree that if you have not returned to collect your dog TWO WEEKS following your stated return date your dog will be passed to the relevant authorities for re-homing. Premier Kennels will make every attempt to contact both you and your emergency contact using the information provided on your booking form.
  • It is recommended that owners purchase veterinary insurance and leave policy details on the booking form.


We retain essential client data for our business purposes only and do not share client’s data with any external organisations. You can request that we remove your data from our records at any time by email or telephone. Terms and Conditions are liable to change.

Website terms and conditions can be found here


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